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Jobs for Alabama's Graduates JAG Winston Career Academy

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Keith Hood, JAG Specialist
Winston County Schools

The JAG Network will make a measurable difference in the outcomes of public education and workforce development systems at the national, state and local level. Through JAG, students are led to strive for increasing opportunities and reductions of poverty and unemployment fostering the plan of A Nation Without Dropouts. 

Alabama JAG Leadership

Jobs for Alabama's Graduates (JAG) is a school-to-career program, using a national model called Jobs for America's Graduates. The mission of the JAG program is to keep young people in school and provide work-based learning experiences that will lead to career advancement opportunities or to enrollment in a postsecondary institution that leads them to a rewarding career. 

Why Does JAG Exist?

Every student that drops out of high school is 63% more likely to be incarcerated. They are less likely to participate in democracy with only 4% voting. Dropouts are twice as likely to live in poverty and will experience unemployment rates at 12% or greater despite healthy economic conditions. 



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